The “S” Personality Type Steady, Stable, Supportive
The DiSC Behavioral model describes four basic patterns, none of which is better or worse than any of the others.
Very few people are purely one type. (Most of us are a combination of types.) This description is of someone who is almost completely an S. See if it describes you or someone you know. (Again, remember it describes an extreme form of a behavior that is often much more nuanced.)
See DISC Workshop to find out how Chris Witt’s programs can help your people communicate and collaborate more effectively.
If you are an S personality type, your are concerned about RELATIONSHIPS and PROCESS…
- You are loyal.
- You are sympathetic, friendly, and supportive.
- You are a good listener and a team player.
- Your goal is to help people.
- You respect the way things have always been done, and you are slow to change.
- You work hard — often behind the scenes — at creating a stable, harmonious environment.
- You dislike conflict and sudden change.
- You are patient. You stick with a project from beginning to completion.
- You believe that the environment is favorable, but that you lack the ability to affect it.
You are ENERGIZED by…
- Cooperating with others
- Working in a stable, harmonious environment where you can complete one task at a time
- Being recognized for your loyalty and service
- Having clearly defined — and unchanging — rules and expectations
- Working with a small group of people where you can develop relationships
You LOSE energy by…
- Dealing with sudden, unexpected change
- Being around competitive, aggressive, and confrontational people
- Lacking the support of supervisors or peers
- Being pressured to make decisions or implement change
- Seeing other people get the credit for your hard work
- Being judged unfairly
At your BEST you can…
- Reconcile factions, calm tensions, and stabilize unsettled situations.
- Be patient and persistent.
- Be a dependable and hardworking team-player.
You can be a peacemaker, a reconciler, a calming influence.
When you are STRESSED you can…
- Take criticism of your work as a personal affront. You are too hard on yourself.
- Resist change passively.
- Wait for people in authority to tell you what to do and then you lead them to believe, falsely, that you will comply.
- Shake your head, shrug your shoulders, and say, What’s the use?
At your worst, you can be a victim, a defeatist, a martyr.
To be your best…
- Become more flexible with your routines, more willing to negotiate change.
- Develop your assertiveness skills.
- Know that other people don’t know what you’re feeling or thinking. Learn how to disclose yourself appropriately.
Cultivate assertiveness. Become more flexible.
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How to RECOGNIZE an S personality type…
- They tend to be quiet and indirect and casual. They don’t show their emotions.
- They speak slowly and in a relaxed pace, as if they have nowhere important to go.
- They are good listeners. They encourage others to talk about themselves.
- They prefer to follow, not to lead. They like working with others in small groups.
How to WORK with an S personality type…
- Be friendly. Start your conversation in a personable way before getting down to business.
- Tell them about future changes to give them time to adjust.
- Chat with them frequently. Ask them about themselves.
- Assign them fewer, larger projects.
- Encourage them to speak up at meetings.
What NOT to do around an S personality type…
- Pop changes on them.
- Confront them directly or make them feel personally attacked.
- Question their loyalty.
- Expect them to cope well with hostility or disapproval.
Witt Communications offers a DISC Workshop to help professionals and organizations use the DISC Behavioral Analysis to improve leadership development, teamwork, or interpersonal effectiveness.
To learn more about how you might benefit, contact us for a free exploratory conversation. Click here.